Monday, December 29, 2008

The word “Terrorism” sends a feeling of tremor in my heart and my voice becomes shrill. The reason being the loss of several innocent lives and several others maimed for the entire life. All this has taken place in couple of minutes.
A lot of unplanned incidents have taken place in this short time span. The sight of seeing an infant losing his/her parents, a family destroyed with its sole bread-earner no more or a supportive friend or life partner being taken away is very pinning thing.

The terrorist activities have happened on and off in Mumbai. This is probably the 3rd time. Ministers chose to ignore security warnings and the consequence is fatal
This is even worse than cancer. At least people around get prepared for this.
The matters even become worse when the ministers show their arrogant attitude instead of sympathy with such comments-
Only 200 people killed, 5000 were planned
Our mothers and sisters are following the western fashion, putting lipsticks and
powders and lighting candles
No dog would have even visited the slain Major’s parents house if he wouldn’t have got killed.

There are a lot of evidences that these incidents were planned and a lot of information was readily available. However all such information was disregarded as incomplete by the competent authorities. We are also responsible for electing such people into power.
The incident had shaken our lives in 1993. However, at that time I was just contented that nobody from our family was harmed. Thereafter it happened in several other parts of India, and all I could do was feel sympathetic towards the victims and their families. However my attitude was suddenly shaken this time and hearts filled with cynicism when I heard that lot of people have lost their limbs and hands in these incidents, besides several getting killed. The count may be the least figure whereas actual witness figured out that it could be much more.
If we were to believe the sayings that every incident has something good outcome, All I can see that in this case the good cannot be achieved if we let leave this incident with just a wink. The loss may be irreversible in most of the cases, with even the financial assistance, the victim’s family has received. Moreover, what gain can we achieve by letting go this incident from our minds. All it would mean that we will just get more vulnerable to more such tragedies in near future.
Is our existence a mere factor of chance?
What about our dependents and their chances of survivals. Some may not be in a position to survive without our help.
Today, we are in a position where we are gelling with uncertainty everyday. Though, as common people, we don’t have any influence of Caste, Creed or Color in our heads. But as politicians and terrorists believe in Divide and Rule, we are being divided on unrealistic grounds. It is now clear that terrorists are created as a result of extreme poverty conditions and not because of hatred alone.
But there are their bosses who make a lot of fortune, by playing with common people’s lives and family. And only we can make some difference by creating a Revolution. We need to monitor our elected member’s motives and not blindly trust them. Also, our country needs to be an ally to other friendly nations who like us believe in wiping terrorism. At the same time, we should be sensible enough to decide what would be right for us to do in the best interest of civilians.
As it was realized that corrupt officers, be at Coast Guards or in Police or even few shameless citizens have helped the terrorists achieve their goals, we need to demand a better process for eradicating corruption from our society
We are a constituency of about 4 million people with 70% eligible voters. For a winning candidate has 336,000 votes out of the eligible 2, 800, 000 votes. Just over one-tenth (12%). Naturally, all our politics is divisive, pitting Indians against Indians.
We can all ensure participation in the process to make it inclusive. That alone has the potential to change a lot of things about the manner in which these guys (MPs) conduct themselves.
Then, one can ask for accounts of the expenditure under the Member of Parliament Local Area Development (MPLAD) schemes. Also, we can use the power of Right to Information Act, an effective tool to get transparency in Administration.
There are only two options we have today
- Either always wait for the Government to do a post-mortem of incident, and suggest remedial measures and do nothing about it
- Take a part of responsibilities on our shoulder and be a part of change
I would suggest for the second option. We need to be more responsible and ask the government for our protection. We need to question, the government about the safety provided to us, in lieu of our taxes.
I just hope that there happens to be no war. But, our government needs to be planned about how to face the enemy in the event of a war.
Above all we need to be alert about any suspicious activities happening in our vicinity or any suspicious objects around us, and be prompt enough to inform the concerned authorities

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